Monday, August 11, 2008

John McCain...a Mediocre High School Junior Varsity Athlete

John McCain with his High School Wrestling Team (photo credit)

In a recent interview, John McCain told the LA Times he was looking forward to kicking back and watching the Olympics this week:

"We're all caught up in the excitement of it, especially us mediocre high school junior varsity athletes."

Define mediocre, John. According to this, you were known on the Episcopal High School wrestling team as both McNasty, and simply: punk.

Of course, this appears in stark contrast to his opponent's on-court prowess.

Could have been worse least McCain wasn't a band weenie.


Mediocre J.V. athlete John McCain eager to watch Olympics ( - Top of the Ticket)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got a problem with mediocre JV athletes?